Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

Finding Your Centre

Where do you go when you need to get away from it all?

4 min readJun 19, 2019


Ever find yourself returning to one place again and again? It could be a local park or coffee shop, a camping ground or holiday resort, it might even be a particular way home or weekend drive that helps you shake off the stresses in your life and just be.

For me it isn’t a location or destination, it’s an activity.

For the past 15 years or so (probably longer) I have been volunteering at a local food van helping to feed people who are homeless or going through a hard enough time that they can no longer feed themselves or their families and pay the rent and the bills and everything else that life throws at them.

I started volunteering when I was going through a bad patch in my life. I found giving to other people helped me to relearn how to give to myself. I also made some lasting friendships both among the people I was serving and the other volunteers. I also learned some valuable lessons along the way.

1. It’s always worthwhile having a little left over at the end of the night.

One thing I also say to whoever is learning to run the food van is that someone will always turn up about a minute after you close the doors and are ready to drive…



Neil Blenkiron

An easily distracted writer and occasional photographer living and writing by the sea in Melbourne, Australia.