Dealing With Feedback

Neil Blenkiron
5 min readApr 20, 2019


If fear of what other people think of your work is one of the reasons you are not putting your creative work out there then this article may offer a small insight into how to face that fear and gain a little more confidence in your abilities.

For many creatives getting any form of feedback can be a painful and soul-destroying event. Most of us cringe at least a little when offered the chance for feedback even from trusted and loving friends and family members.

We have all experienced embarrassment because of someone’s remarks about our art at some time in our lives. That embarrassment can put an effective stop to our creativity for the rest of our lives. At other times it can limit us in what or how we create.

There is no easy way to prepare for someone’s thoughts and impressions when it comes to something you have poured your heart and soul into.

Or is there?

Two types of feedback.

Generally speaking there are two kinds of feedback; The kind that builds you up and the kind that knocks you down. If you have been putting your work out there for your public to see for any length of time the chances are you’ve received both.



Neil Blenkiron

An easily distracted writer and occasional photographer living and writing by the sea in Melbourne, Australia.