Camera, notebook with pencil and binoculars, along with a compass and a pair of glasses all resting on a wooden bench-top.
Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

Another Year, Another Text Processor!

Neil Blenkiron
3 min readJan 5, 2022


So I just paid for a text processor that promises to make my writing life easier. Truth be told the only way that is going to happen is if it wrote the post for me and left me just watching the screen in case it started making too much sense. It does make it possible for me to set up a blog that only publishes these stream of consciousness type posts every time I write one. It would be great if all I had to do was write and save the document and it would be up on the web for nobody to read because who is interested in reading that kind of stuff anyway?

I could also use it to push myself in a 1k per day writing challenge. If I could write 1000 words a day, that would be a book every two months or so. The fact is I can write easily 250 to 500 words a day right now. It doesn’t mean I won’t in the future as I have done in the past, it just means I will need to back up a little to get a decent run-up at it.

The decision now is to see what kind of blog I want to publish it on. It seems a little too small for a WordPress blog and a little too esoteric for a hosted blogging solution like Wix. I am thinking of a nice little flat-file CMS with the files stored in a Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

I can also see it looking like a notebook with marks on the pages and the occasional image to go along with the post taken with one of my all…



Neil Blenkiron

An easily distracted writer and occasional photographer living and writing by the sea in Melbourne, Australia.